- ELIMINATE ODORS AND EXCESS MOISTURE The Magic Rocks harness extraordinary power of heat-activated tropical charcoal, which has millions of tiny pores that act like a big magnetic sponge to absorb and obliviate odors.
- SCENT FREE AIR PURIFYING ROCKS Use your Magic Rocks to purify the air you breathe. Our tropical charcoal air purifying rocks use the highest quality palm seed charcoal from organic palm oil extraction plant from Thailand — with NO harmful additives
- ABSORB ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Magic rocks create a lasting negative electric charge which absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation.
- PERFECT FOR DEODORIZING AND DECORATING your home, bathroom, refrigerator, office or any indoor space.
- NATURALLY RECHARGEABLE AND LASTS UP TO 2 YEARS: To rejuvenate and revitalize your Magic Rock, simply place it in direct sunlight for four to six hours once each month. The solar energy will naturally heat and activate the charcoal to open its pores for off-gassing of odors it has absorbed and recharging of its negative static charge.
- SOIL ENHANCER : After 2 years, we recommend that you pulverize your Magic Rocks and blend the powder into your garden or houseplants as a soil enhancer.